He is God Over All (Psalm 139:6)

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Have you ever thought about the remarkable, intricate design of some of the world’s little creatures? An example is the honey bee. That tiny insect organizes a virtual city by building 10,000 cells for honey, 12,000 cells for larvae, and an inner sanctum for the queen. He can also sense a dangerous rise in temperature in the hive and organize the other bees to stand at the entrances and fan their wings to keep the honey cool. In addition, one little honey bee can patrol 20 square miles of a field in its search for flowers.

If God has taken such care to build these capabilities into a tiny bee, how much more like He has done for us – the crown of creation! In Psalm 139, David has given us a clear picture of God’s hand in the affairs of mankind. Our Heavenly Father is “acquainted with all my ways,” said the psalmist. In addition, He knows our every thought, He has placed His protecting restraints around us, and His loving hand is upon us. No wonder the writer exclaimed, “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me!

The realization that God is aware of what goes on in each of our lives can be of great help when difficult circumstances block our path. Then we can say with confidence, “Even there Your hand shall lead me (Psalm 139:10). And when the dark days of sorrow come, we can rejoice that “the darkness shall not hide from God (v. 12). No matter what, our Heavenly Father will help us. He is the God over all.Paul R. Van Gorder

The God who made the firmament,

Who made the deepest sea,

The God who put the stars in place

Is the God who cares for me. – Berg

Those who see God’s hand in everything can best leave everything in God’s hand.

  • November 28, 1986, Our Daily Bread