He Understands (Hebrews 2:18)

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How comforting it is to know that we have Savior who can identify with our trials, suffering, and sorrow! Our Lord knew both physical and mental anguish.

Isaiah wrote, “He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief(Isaiah 53:3). Jesus knew the suffering caused by being misunderstood. Members of His own family did not understand that He had come to die. He experienced the pain of poverty. He faced strong temptations. He felt the sorrow of losing a good friend in death (John 11).

Gordon Chilvers tells of a grief-stricken mother. The death of a wayward daughter had left her crushed with sorrow. Although her pastor and her friends did all they could do to comfort her, her grief was so heavy that she couldn’t cry. Then a woman came to see her who had experienced an identical loss. She sat down beside the sorrowing mother and lovingly placed an arm around her waist. With her face close to the face of the grieving woman, she wept. Soon the bereaved mother began to weep and relief came at last. That woman could sympathize because she had known the same sorrow.

We have One who has experienced deep suffering. Tell Him about your pain and draw on His strength. He understands and cares.Paul R. Van Gorder

When you’re passing through the waters

Of deep sorrow and despair,

And you get no help from others,

Just remember, Christ is there. – Elliot

When you think that no one has problems like you do, remember what Jesus endured.

  • November 30, 1989, Our Daily Bread

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