A Transforming Resident (2 Corinthians 5:17)

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When a young man left home for his freshman year of college, his mother was concerned that he wouldn’t keep his dorm room in order. So when she visited him at Thanksgiving, she was not surprised to find his room in total disarray. Papers and books were scattered all over the place. But what shocked her the most were the obscene pictures hanging on the walls.

At Christmas time she sent her son a box of presents, including a portrait of Jesus. He thanked her for the gifts but didn’t say anything about the picture. In the spring when she visited the school again, her son was eager for her to come to his room. Upon entering, she found on the best wall space the picture of Jesus. All the other pictures were gone. Wisely she said, “Jack, there is something different about your room. Did you get a new rug?” “No.” “Is this new paper on the wall?” “No.” “When I was here before, it seemed to me you had more pictures than now.” “Yes, I did, Mother, but those other pictures all seemed out of place after that one of Jesus came into the room.

If an artist’s portrait of Jesus could make that much difference in a college dorm room, think of the change Jesus Himself can make when He comes into a person’s heart. By receiving Jesus, we are made new. A new love springs up within us more powerful than our old desires. Let’s keep living in that love. Then this transforming Resident will keep on changing us.Paul R. Van Gorder

What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought

Since Jesus came into my heart!

I have light in my soul for which long I have sought,

Since Jesus came into my heart! – McDaniel

Jesus can change the foulest sinner into the finest saint.

  • January 3, 1989, Our Daily Bread