Leaving the Bad Outside (Revelation 21:27)

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We have a new rule at our house: No shoes inside. It all has to do with some new carpet and our hopes of keeping it clean. So, if you were to drop by for a visit, we would ask you (politely, of course) to honor an old Japanese custom. From now on, the dirt stops at the door, never to soil our floors again.

It’s an admirable attempt, and it will surely cut down on the need to rent a carpet cleaner, but it’s not foolproof. Somehow dirt still gets in.

This reminds me of place where everything bad really is kept out. It’s a place where there is absolutely no evil or grime or crime. It’s place where there is no sin.

Here’s how the apostle John described the place: ”There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain(Revelation 21:4). How can it be? How can a place be so good? Because evil will be on the outside.

Yes, heaven will be absolutely perfect – clean and free from all sin. No dirt will get in. That’s why if we want to enter that grand place, we have to be clean. We must have our sins forgiven by faith in Jesus. Unless we have let Him cleanse us, we will be like shoes at my house – left on the outside. Are you ready to enter heaven? J. David Branon

Heaven is a perfect place,

A land so bright and fair,

But only those who trust God’s grace

Will gain an entrance there. – D. J. De Haan

Heaven is prepared for people who are prepared for heaven.

  • January 25, 1993, Our Daily Bread