Who Gets the Thanks? (1 Chronicles 29:14)

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According to USA Today, a Costa Mesa, California, resident found on her doorstep a package that contained a car key and a note. The note quoted Bible verses and ended with the words, “This is a gift for you because I love you.” It was signed, “An angel of the Lord.” In her driveway the woman found a 1978 Ford Fiesta. It was just what she needed to replace her unreliable, old 1960 model. A neighbor child asked, “Did God just drop the car down from heaven?” The woman’s answer was not reported, but she did hang a poster on her garage that said, “THANK YOU GOD.” Putting up that sign didn’t mean the woman actually thought the car had fallen out of the sky without touching human hands. But notice that her sign did not say, “THANK YOU, MY ANONYMOUS FRIEND.” She was acknowledging that all things ultimately come from God.

David recognized this truth as he and his people celebrated the enormous offering that had been given for the construction of the temple. They could have merely congratulated one another. They could have slapped one another on the back and exchanged mutual praise for the other’s generosity. They could have published the name of every donor and encouraged everyone to honor the human hands that gave the gifts. But they didn’t. David showed his wisdom and maturity as Israel’s leader by thanking the Lord for all blessings. He recognized that every time a gift comes from human hands, it’s the Lord who deserves the praise.Martin R. De Haan II

To the earthly give we tender

The smile and grateful word;

How then can we be forgetting

To thank our bountiful Lord? – Nicholson

Don’t let the abundance of God’s gifts cause you to forget the Giver.

  • January 27, 1985, Our Daily Bread

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