“This Thing Is from Me” (Psalm 119:75)

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The writer of Psalm 119 learned valuable lessons in the school of affliction. His words, therefore, were filled with testimony about the wisdom of God’s direction and the faithfulness of His dealings. He had discovered that no matter what the secondary causes, every difficulty that came his way was permitted by God.

The following story points out why a loving Heavenly Father permits and even sends troublesome obstacles in our lives. A small girl had been promised the privilege of climbing to a nearby hilltop where her brother enjoyed playing. But when she came within sight of the steep, rough path, she drew back in dismay. “Why, there isn’t a smooth spot anywhere. It’s all bumpy and stony!” she exclaimed. “Yes,” said her more experienced older brother, “but how else would we ever climb to the top if it wasn’t? The stones and bumps are what we step on to get there.” So too, God in faithfulness allows affliction, and He even puts in our path what some might consider to be stumbling blocks. For the believer, however, obstacles can become steppingstones to the higher ground of Christian victory and blessing.

The Lord knows what He’s doing, and we can trust Him implicitly. Everything that comes into our lives is either sent by God or permitted. He has designed it for our discipline or for our comfort. No circumstance lies outside His sovereign love. So, appropriate God’s provision of grace. Have faith in His calming words, “… this thing is from Me” (1 Kings 12:24).Henry G. Bosch

‘Tis sweet – though trials may not cease

Though pains afflict, though fears appall –

To feel my comforts still increase,

To say, “My Father sends them all!” – Anon.

THOT: Through suffering God teaches us lessons we would not or could not learn any other way.

  • January 29, 1983, Our Daily Bread

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