The Voice of God at Sunset (Psalm 50:1)

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Who has not marveled at the beauty of a sunset? We stand motionless, awestruck, hushed by the flaming sky as the sun moves over the western horizon. Seeming to hesitate a moment, the glowing orb suddenly drops out of sight, leaving the sky ablaze with brilliant shades of pink, orange, and red. Somehow the frustrations of the days are put to silence by the majestic, yet soothing voice of God as we view a glorious sunset.

Because the sun’s rays are slowed down slightly and bent by the earth’s atmosphere, the sun appears to be oval-shaped rather than round. That, along with dust or smog in the air, explains the dazzling array of colors that give us so much visual pleasure at day’s end. And scientists tell us that a sunrise can be even more beautiful than most of us have seen. Writing in the Encyclopedia Science Supplement, astronomer John B. Irwin said, “When conditions are just right, the last diminishing bit of the yellow-orange sun suddenly changes into a brilliant emerald green. This green flash puts an exciting exclamation point to the end of the day.

To Christians, every sunset is an exclamation point given to us by God the Creator to end the day. It’s as if the Lord were saying, “Set aside your worries. Rest from your labors. Forget about those disappointments. I am still here, taking care of My universe. I am in control. I have not changed. Look up beyond the sun to Me and be at peace.

No wonder the psalmist spoke of the voice of God at sunset! – David C. Egner

The unwearied sun, from day to day,

Does his Creator’s power display,

And publishes to every land

The work of an Almighty hand. – Addison

In nature we can hear the voice of God.

  • May 31, 1985, Our Daily Bread

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