He Lights the Way (Psalm 112:4)

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A missionary in Peru told of going one evening to visit a small group of believers. She knew that the house where they were meeting was located on a cliff and that climbing up the pathway would be treacherous. From her own house she took a taxi as far as it could go, and then began the hazardous ascent to the house. The night was dark and the way was very difficult. As she rounded a bend, she suddenly came upon several believers carrying bright lanterns. They had come out to light the way. Her fears were relieved, the missionary ascended the path easily and had a good meeting.

In a similar way, God lights our pathway. When we accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, He who is the Light of the world entered our lives and removed the darkness of our sin and despair. This light continues to comfort us through times of sorrow. In the midst of sadness, trouble, illness, or disappointment, the Lord brightens the way and encourages His children by giving hope. This may come through a word of exhortation from a fellow believer. It may be the soothing illumination of His Word by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. It may be calm reassurance in response to heartfelt prayer. Or it may be the miraculous supply of a specific need. Whatever the case, God sends light when we are engulfed in darkness, and it will continue to shine until we exit the other side of the “valley of the shadow of death.”

For the believer, there is always light in the darkest night! David C. Egner

I’d rather walk in the dark with God

Than walk alone in the light;

I’d rather walk with Him by faith

Than walk alone by sight. – Anon.

God sometimes puts us in the dark to show us that He is light.

  • June 4, 1985, Our Daily Bread