One-Hundredth Inch of Rubber (1 Samuel 20:3)

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Our lives are a fragile gift from God. One young man who had just undergone a complete physical examination was told by his doctor that he was in perfect health. As he walked back through the waiting room, he suddenly clutched his chest and fell to the floor with a fatal heart attack. Death was closer than he had realized.

While visiting a space exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., Princess Anne was introduced to Neil Armstrong. Later during her tour, she noticed a display of astronauts’ spacesuits. Turning to Armstrong, she asked, “Is there any danger of a rip?” The one who had taken great risks in being the first to walk on the moon replied, “Yes, the difference between life and death up there is only about one-hundredth of an inch of rubber!

In today’s text, David voiced a similar realization of the imminent peril that attended his every movement. King Saul in his jealous rage was seeking to end the life of his rival who had been anointed by Samuel as the true heir to the throne of Israel. Realizing the brevity of life, David later wrote this sequel to the words of desperation found in our text: “Lord, make me to know my end, and what is the measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am (Psalm 39:4).

Having that awareness will motivate us to live each day totally for the Lord. And it will enable us to take that final step without fear!Henry G. Bosch

We do not know how to long we have

Till time for us is past,

So let us live as if this day

Is going to be our last. – D. J. De Haan

You’re not ready to live until you’re ready to die.

  • June 9, 1988, Our Daily Bread