The Little Enemy (Proverbs 24:33)

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Almost 20 years ago, bombers flew over the American southlands in a carefully planned bombing raid. I remember watching them methodically work the Florida skies in an attempt to wipe out the enemy. In this case, however, it was a peacetime war. The enemy wasn’t human. It was just a little bug known as the fire ant. The planes were spreading a pesticide aimed at ridding the South of one of its more hated citizens. According to one researcher, people asked whether the little ant is really that much of a problem. He replied that such a question shows that the person who is asking it has never had a run-in with the fire ant.

Just as the little fire ant requires big efforts to stamp it out, the Bible talks about another little problem that needs to be taken seriously – laziness. The author of the book of Proverbs speaks of the sad results of “a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest” (Proverbs 24:33).

Anyone who suffers from laziness knows that a big effort is needed to combat it. If we don’t attack it, poverty (both spiritual and physical) “will come like a prowler” (Proverbs 24:34). So what can be done? Begin by evaluating how you spend your time. If you see you are wasting it, plan out a strategy for combating laziness. Take on the small task at first. Then don’t let down. You will soon realize how much better it is to succeed than to slumber.Martin R. De Haan II

O help me, Lord, this task to do,

Nor falter due to sin,

For You would have me see it through,

A heavenly crown to win. – H. G. Bosch

The lazier we are today, the more we have to do tomorrow.

  • June 19, 1986, Our Daily Bread