He Sets Prisoners Free! (John 8:36)

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God’s wonderful offer of salvation reaches everywhere, including prisons. Many men and women have found spiritual freedom behind bars.

At the annual dinner of a prison ministry in Muskegon, Michigan, Chaplain Mel Rikse introduced two special guests: ex-cons who had found freedom in Christ. The first was a middle-aged, respectable woman whose home had been turned into a dope house by so-called friends. Jailed after a drug bust, she was humiliated – until the chaplain led her to Christ. She testified, “Because of Christ, I am not ashamed. he saved me and forgave me.

Then a young man slowly rose to speak. “You know the guys you told your kids to stay away from? That was me. I broke every law. I was drunk all the time. I was always in jail. Even when I was out of jail I was a prisoner – a prisoner to myself. Then my cousin received Christ in jail. He invited me to go to church with him. Me, in church! I heard the message of Jesus’ love, and I believed. Now I’m free, not only from nights in jail but also from the prison of myself.

What about you? Are you behind bars? Perhaps you are imprisoned by feelings of sin and guilt. Put your trust in Christ. He sets prisoners free!David C. Egner

The burden of my guilt is gone,

My conscience is set free;

Christ purged my sin and paid my debt

By dying on the tree. – D. J. De Haan

Our greatest freedom is freedom from sin.

  • June 25, 1993, Our Daily Bread