Yielding All (Romans 12:1)

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The surrender of one’s will to Jesus is essential to a life of joy and victory. Oswald Chambers called this “giving up my right to myself. We hold nothing back – no earthly love, no material gain, no pride-filled position – but simply say, “Jesus, do with my life whatever You want. Many Christians hold back from yielding all to Christ because they fear that it will bring terrible consequences, the death of a loved one or some other great loss.

Frederick Brotherton Meyer reflected on a turning point in his spiritual life and how he overcame this fear. “The devil said, ‘Don’t do it! … there is no knowing what you may not come to.’ At first I thought there was something to it, then I remembered my daughter, who was a little willful then, and loved her own way. I thought to myself as I knelt. Supposing that she were to come and say – ‘Father, from tonight I am going to put my life in your hand. Do with it what you will.’ Would I call her mother to her side and say, ‘Here is a chance to torment her’? … I knew I would not say that. I knew I would say to my wife, ‘Our child is going to follow our will from now on. Do you know anything that is hurting her?’ ‘Yes, so and so.’ ‘Does she love it much?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Oh, she must give it up. But we will make it as easy for her as we can. We must take from her the things that are hurting her, but we will give her everything that will make her life one long summer day of bliss.’

Would the Heavenly Father act more harshly with us than the kindest of earthly fathers with their children?Dennis J. De Haan

All to Jesus I surrender,

Lord, I give myself to Thee;

Fill me with Thy love and power,

Let Thy blessings fall on me. – Van de Venter

The world has yet to see what God can do with a man totally surrendered to His will.

  • June 26, 1985, Our Daily Bread