A God Too Weary? (Isaiah 40:28)

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During the first days of the Persian Gulf War, prayer vigils and calls for national prayer were common. People turned to God in a way we haven’t seen in recent years.

At least two magazine articles I read during that time mentioned, perhaps in jest, that God certainly had His hands full. The writers implied that those who prayed about concerns less significant than the war were wasting their time. God couldn’t be bothered about small things when He had so many big things going on.

I remember a time when I felt that way. My wife and I were seeking God’s guidance about doing mission work overseas when a tornado struck a town near our home. Immediately I thought we should postpone our decision about missions because it was such a small thing compared with the havoc and suffering caused by the tornado. But our pastor assured us that we would not be wearying God by seeking His will – even in the midst of such a great tragedy.

Of course, we can never comprehend God’s ability to care for both the big picture and the small details of our lives. But that should never stop us from placing our faith completely in Him. He never grows weary of our prayers.J. David Branon

We need not question ways divine

He’ll open for your prayers and mine;

Suffice it that He’ll find a way

If we are faithful when we pray. – Anon.

Nothing is too great or too small for God to attend to.

  • June 29, 1992, Our Daily Bread

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