Retirement Program (Titus 2:2-3)

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What do the retirement years offer? Well, one 72-year-old man said, “The job of the retiree is learning to live as nobody. You’re a vice president of nothing.How true? Can golden years of a person’s life be that bad? Apparently they are for some people. For instance, doctors and therapists report that alcoholism has turned into growing problem with many older folks. They conclude that these senior drinkers have too much time and unchanneled energy, so they feel useless.  Some retirees feel that the only thing that remains for them is losing their health, their mate, and life itself.

But wait. Enough of this gloom! The Christian who reaches the retirement years does not have to be overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety and uselessness. God has a purpose for His senior saints. Proverbs 16:31 tells us that old age is a “crown of glory. And Titus 2:1-5 makes it clear that aging believers are to maintain a good example. They are to endure the limitations of a weakened body in order to be teachers and models of righteousness for the younger generation. In contrast to those who look upon their retirement as inactive indulgence, the older Christian must continue giving his time and energy to God and to his neighbor. He finds his worth in the gratifying work and company of the Lord Himself.

Have you reached the retirement years? Praise God! Look ahead to the purposes He has for you as you walk with Him all the way.Martin R. De Haan II

While our days on earth are lengthened,

May we give them, Lord, to Thee;

Cheered by hope and daily strengthened,

May we run, nor weary be. – Kelly

Years wrinkle the skin, but apathy wrinkles the soul.

  • May 7, 1985, Our Daily Bread

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