Welcome Warnings (Proverbs 10:17)

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I was driving about 60 miles per hour when I took my eyes off the road for several seconds. All at once I heard a brroommm, brroommm that sent strong vibrations up the steering column. Small grooves had been closely spaced in that pavement along the shoulder to warn drivers when they drift off the road. And they got attention!

The Bible tells us about similar vibrations God uses to correct us when we begin drifting away from Him. They are called “reproofs of instructions(Proverbs 6:23). They may come from parents (29:17), friends (27:5-6), preachers (2 Timothy 4:2), the Bible (3:16), and conscience (Romans 2:15). But behind them is the loving and faithful voice of Gods Spirit (John 16:8).

Sometimes we drive ourselves beyond our physical and emotional limits. Our bodies weaken and illness may surface. That’s a warning!

We toy with sinful pleasures. Soon we lose our interest in God’s Word. That’s a warning!

We use people to further our own ambitions. Relationships begin to break down. That’s a warning!

Lord, make us sensitive to Your reproofs as we travel through this life. Spare us from spiritual disaster.Dennis J. De Haan

Getting Back on Track

Is there an area of my life where I have behaved unwisely or toyed with sin? How has God tried to alert me to the danger? What can I do to heed His warning?

God sends warnings to protect us, not to punish us.

  • September 29, 1992, Our Daily Bread

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