The Prayer Rut (Matthew 6:7)

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A Christian was visiting the home of devout Muslims. He watched as a woman went through the ritual of washing her face, hands, and feet before praying. Then, facing Mecca, she bowed repeatedly on her little grass mat. Her lips moved continuously. When she finished, the guest asked her the meaning of her prayer. She replied, “I really don’t know.

Although she had disciplined herself to pray five times a day, she was merely repeating words she had learned as a child. And they were in a language she didn’t understand. Sad to say, she was not conscious of having any contact with God.

Lest we be critical, we need to ask ourselves how many of our own prayers are spoken repetitiously with little meaning. Jesus taught that prayers are not to be showy (Matthew 6:5-6). We are not to mumble words mechanically (vv. 7-8). Prayer begins with worship, requests forgiveness, and expresses dependence on God for physical and spiritual needs (vv. 9-13). Talking to God our heavenly Father is a wonderful privilege. It is available to all who have trusted Christ as Savior.

Let’s worship God, confess our sins, give thanks for blessings, and draw on His wisdom and strength. This will help to keep us out of the rut of vain repetitions in our praying.Henry G. Bosch

Lord, teach us how to pray aright,

Oh, lead us in Your way;

Humbly we bow in Your pure sight;

Lord, teach us how to pray. – Anon.

If you want your prayers to reach heaven, send them from the heart.

  • May 16, 1990, Our Daily Bread