Holding on for Life (Psalm 91:2)

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Try to remember a time when you were in a frightening situation. It could have been a near-miss in your automobile, or footsteps behind you as you walked down a dangerous street. Maybe you were threatened by the bully in the neighborhood. Possibly you had to face an angry employer. What about the time you were asked to give an oral report

Remember taking my family to the beach one day last summer when the waves were quite big. My daughter Katie wanted to go swimming, but she was afraid of those huge breakers. Only after she realized that they didn’t move me, and that she was secure as long as she held onto me tightly, could she enjoy the water and the splashing of those waves. She had someone she could depend on for support.

Psalm 91 describes many frightening situations in which we need the assistance of someone stronger than we are. The psalmist told us that when troubles assailed him from all angles, he went to One who was as strong and unmovable as a fortress. He clung to God for his very survival, for he had learned that when troubles created waves in his life, he could find security and help in Him.

Are you encountering frightening and unnerving situations? Cling to your refuge and fortress, the Almighty God. He’s the only one to hold onto – for life.Kurt E. De Haan

I look to Thee in every need

And never look in vain;

I feel thy strong and tender love,

And all is well again. – Longfellow

When troubles call on you, call on God.

  • May 24, 1984, Our Daily Bread