Contrasting Pictures (Proverbs 4:18)

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Looking at a picture of the great scholar Bertrand Russell in his later years made me feel sad. Although his face reflected courage, it was grim and showed no sign of joy or hope. He was born into a Christian home and taught to believe in God, but rejected his training and became an outspoken atheist. His daughter, Katherine Tait, said of him, “Somewhere at the bottom of his heart, in the depths of his soul, there was an empty space that once had been filled by God, and he never found anything else to put in it.”

A picture of my Grandpa Vander Lugt, taken in his old age, presents a striking contrast. It reflects a beautiful serenity born of a deep faith in God nurtured for many years. When he was in his late eighties, he still played pranks and joked with us. And I remember how peacefully he talked with us as he lay dying.

Grandpa’s life is an illustration of Proverbs 4:18, “But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.” I’m so grateful that by God’s grace I have placed trust in Christ and walk that same path.

On what path are you walking? Your choice will make all the difference in the worldnot only in your appearance as your grow older, but also where you will spend eternity. – Herbert Vander Lugt

When we look back upon our life

What pictures will we see –

Harsh images of sad regret

Or times we’’ spent for Thee? – Sper

Those who live for eternity can die with serenity.

  • April 12, 1991, Our Daily Bread