The Long-Range View (Psalm 49:14)

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Sometimes we wish for wealth, fame, and power. They look so inviting and seem to hold great promise for happiness. But when we make them the goal of our existence, we take a very short-range view of life.

Secretary of State James A. Baker spoke about this in his message at the National Prayer Breakfast on February 1, 1990. He said that the fleeting nature of political or economic power came to mind one morning as he looked down Pennsylvania Avenue. He saw a former Chief of Stall walking all alone – “no reporters, no security, no adoring public, no trappings of power – just one solitary man alone with his thoughts.” His power and fame had evaporated!

The rich and famous do have power. They can make things happen. They can give their name to their business or products so they will be remembered after they die. But they can’t escape death, nor can they bribe God to excuse their sins when they stand before Him. In that final judgment, the godly, whether rich or poor, will be far better off. No matter how well the ungodly may prosper now, the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning.”

Believer in Christ, don’t feel discouraged if you have little wealth, fame, or power. Take the long-range view. Your reward is coming. – Herbert Vander Lugt

O Lord, You’d have us ponder this,

One truth You’d have us see;

It’s in this life we chart our course

For all eternity. – D. J. De Haan

The real measure of our wealth is what will be ours in eternity.

  • April 27, 1991, Our Daily Bread