A Bad Bargain (Mark 8:36)

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Many years ago a primitive tribe observed a custom of electing a king every 7 years. During his reign he was given authority to do whatever he wanted. But there was one hitch! At the end of his brief reign he was put to death to make way for a new leader. Believe it or not, there were always men who were willing to exchange their lives for 7 years of power and indulgence.

Many people today are more foolish than that. They are willing to exchange their eternal souls for the pleasures of this world, which bring only temporal satisfaction. Some hold on to a bad habit or are enamored by a pet sin they don’t want to give up. Even though the Lord offers them salvation as a free gift through faith and not of works (Ephesians 2:8-9), they know that if they were to trust Christ for salvation it would affect their lifestyle. So they reject His offer. They are willing to give up an eternity of joy and satisfaction that is found only in Christ, choosing instead a few years of fleeting earthly pleasure. That doesn’t make sense. It’s a bad bargain.

If that describes you, don’t run the risk of losing your soul. Acknowledge your sin and your helplessness to save yourself. Receive Christ today! – Richard W. De Haan

Accept the teaching of the world

If hopeless you would be;

But trust in God’s eternal plan

If you want life that’s free. – J.D. Branon

Living only for temporal gain is sure to bring eternal loss.

  • August 6, 1993, Our Daily Bread